Brand Perception Survey Template: A Comprehensive Questionnaire For Effective Branding

branding questionnaire template

Understanding the perception of your brand is key to creating a successful marketing strategy. A branding questionnaire is an effective tool that can provide you with insight into how your target audience views your brand. Here is a comprehensive branding questionnaire template that can help you gather valuable information and insights about your brand.






1. What is your age?

2. What is your gender?





3. What is your occupation?

4. What is your income level?

5. What is your education level?

Perception of the Brand

6. How familiar are you with our brand?

7. What is the first thing that comes to mind when you think about our brand?

8. What adjectives would you use to describe our brand?

9. How do you perceive the quality of our products/services?

10. How would you compare our brand to our competitors?

Brand Messaging

11. Are you familiar with our brand messaging?

12. How relevant is our brand messaging to you?

13. How does our brand messaging make you feel?

14. Does our brand messaging resonate with you?

15. Are there any improvements you would suggest for our brand messaging?

Brand Perception Across Channels

16. How do you perceive our brand across different channels (e.g. social media, website, print ads, etc.)?

17. Which channels do you feel represent our brand best?

18. Do you feel our brand is consistent across all channels?

19. Do you find our brand messaging to be consistent across all channels?

20. Are there any channels where you feel our brand could improve its representation?

Brand Loyalty

21. How likely are you to recommend our brand to others?

22. How often do you purchase products/services from us?

23. How important is brand loyalty to you?

24. What would make you switch to a competitor’s brand?

25. Are there any improvements you would suggest for our brand to increase customer loyalty?


Using a branding questionnaire can provide you with valuable insights into how your target audience views your brand. This template can help you gather information and make informed decisions about your brand strategy. By understanding your brand perception, messaging, and loyalty, you can create a more effective marketing plan that resonates with your audience and drives results.

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